Authentic Early Writing: Literacy Foundations 5
Writing is the connection between symbols, language, and print. It pulls together all the concepts about language sounds and print...
Print and Alphabetic Knowledge: Literacy Foundations 4
Literacy foundations for preschoolers build on their understanding of oral language (as covered in the previous three resource posts),...
Playing with Language Sounds: Literacy Foundations 3
Literacy foundations include play with the sounds within oral language. Research shows that children who can play with the sounds of oral...
Vocabulary and Background Knowledge: Literacy Foundations 2
In the last resource post about the foundations of literacy, we learned about conversations and oral language. Teachers can also support...
Conversations and Language: Literacy Foundations 1
This is the first in a series of resource posts focused on the foundations of literacy development. Find all the resource posts for...
Guided Play: Intentional Interactions
This is the last in the resources around guided play. The earlier posts can be found here with the other resource posts. Educators guide...
Guided Play: Schedules and Routines
This is the third in the resources around guided play. The earlier posts can be found here with the other resource posts. Educators guide...
Solar Eclipse Resources
You're all probably aware that there will be a total solar eclipse in Vermont on April 8th. Many teachers and area agencies have been...
Guided Play: Learning Environments and Materials
This is the second in the resources around guided play. The earlier post can be found here with the other resource posts. Educators guide...
What is Guided Play?
NAEYC's developmentally appropriate practice position statement emphasizes the need for daily sustained play in early childhood programs....
Trauma-Informed Care - The 6 Guiding Principles
This is the third in the resources around trauma. The earlier posts can be found here with the other resource posts. When I talk to...
Trauma-Informed Care - The 4 Rs
This is the second in the resources around trauma. The earlier post can be found here with the other resource posts. Although early...
Trauma in Young Children
Definitions of trauma vary, but generally trauma is: An event or series of events (often sudden or unexpected) that Are perceived as...
Resources Related to Autism Spectrum Disorder
I know that some of you are supporting children with an autism spectrum diagnosis or features that are consistent with ASD. I'm sending...
Successful Circle Times
A colleague once told me, "Circle time should only be as long as the most wiggly child can sit." For many preschoolers, that means that...
Inclusive Programs: Individualized Instruction
One aspect of inclusive education is individualized instruction. Individualized supports are not only provided by special educators who...
Inclusive Programs: Environmental Adaptations
Another characteristic of inclusive classrooms is individualized adjustments that teachers make to the environment, schedule, routines...
Inclusive Programs: Creating the Culture
Research consistently shows that inclusive classrooms benefit all children. All Universal PreK programs must give children with...
Reflective Teaching & Inquiry
As we ease into the new school year, you are getting to know the children in your classroom and designing curriculum (activities and...
A New School Year
I want to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome back to each of you. I am excited to explore this year's possibilities with you. Enclosed...
Supporting Multilingual and Dual Language Learners
Programs that are supporting multilingual and dual language learners may find the resources below helpful. Remember that that Vermont...