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Special Education Services

Parents are often the first to have concerns about a child's development.  Our special education staff can provide you with more information regarding development and may schedule a screening for your child to determine eligibility for special education services.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides some information about developmental milestones by age.


Special education services provide children with instruction tailored to the child's unique needs in the least restrictive environment, which may be your home or a school or community PreK program located within your school district.  If your child currently receives early intervention services from Children's Integrated Services (CIS), your family will work with the special education team to create a transition plan as your child nears his or her third birthday.  


Each of our school systems participates in "Child Find" activities where we conduct regular play-based screenings for entering preschool-aged children.  These screenings are held throughout the community: in homes, community settings, and preschools.  During the screening, your child will have the opportunity to interact with typical preschool materials such as art supplies, blocks, puzzles and imaginative play materials.  Parents can share information about their child and learn more about their child’s communication, social, play, and motor skills.  The screening is free and will take about one hour.


For more information or to schedule a screening, please contact the Early Education team for your school district.















ACSD Early Education at (802) 382-1278

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